Never be afraid to paint outside the lines

Well, that happened

So, I haven’t updated this blog since March 2020. Seems like a lot has happened since then… I thought with working from home and isolating, I would have nothing better to do than paint miniatures and update the blog. Instead, the opposite happened. I moved in with my then-girlfriend at the start of the pandemic, which sounds like a terrible idea, but actually went swimmingly, and now we’re married.

I’d say I’m going to update the blog more (and mean it this time), but the sad thing is I probably won’t. Looking back, I was great about updating the blog when I had a 1+ hour commute where I could work on it, and not so great once I moved close to work and didn’t have that commute time any more. Still, a 3 year gap is kind of egregious, so I’ll try to keep the update schedule to at least a few a year. Starting with part 2 of the mermaid article, which I’ve finally finished and will post right away! After that, I have an nmm tutorial in progress which I need to finish at some point, and two years worth of Golden Demon entries to talk about. So stay tuned!

If you want quick hits between blog posts, follow me on insta.

1 Comment

  1. ninjafoodstuff

    Congratulations on getting married!

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