Never be afraid to paint outside the lines

Tag: Games Workshop

Update 2020

Wow, it’s been almost a year since I updated the blog! I’m really sorry about that, but between moving and my social life for the last year, I haven’t had as much time to blog as I would like. At least it’s been for good reasons. But since I’m #socialdistancing and staying home this weekend, it seemed like a good time for an update.

I haven’t been completely unproductive. I have been working hard on a two-part article on a mermaid piece I finished last year, which won best in show at KublaCon 2019. The first part focuses on the water, which came out really well, and I hope readers will find it interesting and potentially useful. Expect to see that within the next week.

In the meantime, I thought I would share a quick little primaris marine I painted.

The inspiration was the “three-color rule” that some tournaments use to judge when an army is “fully painted”. Some people seem to regard this as a challenge, rules-lawyering a legally “fully painted” army with the minimum amount of effort.

I decided to tackle the reverse challenge: how can I get a good looking result with only two colors, so it’s still not legally “fully painted”. I used only two colors, black and white, with no blending, and I even tried to apply the paint as opaquely as possible so there’s not even the slight blending effect you get when translucent layers overlap.

I think it’s interesting what sorts of effects you can get with miniatures when you decide to depart from the usual style. The model looks really interesting in person, almost like a three-dimensional pen-and-ink sketch. I had planned to incorporate this marine into a joke diorama to enter into the US Golden Demon at Adepticon, but alas that is not to be. I’ll just have to satisfy myself with sharing him online instead.

A step backwards in time

In honor of “Back to the Future” day, I’m doing some time-traveling of my own.

I started painting miniatures in high school. I acquired an eldar army from a friend-of-a-friend, and painted my first minis with Testor’s enamels. Sadly, these have been lost to time, but I still have the first minis I painted with acrylics.


They came from the Citadel paints box set, and I painted them to try out my new paints. Needless to say, I quickly fell in love. I may not have had much talent, but I certainly had ambition, going for a legion of the damned color scheme that involved blending yellow into red over a black base-coat. Unsurprisingly, that did not end well.

Anyways, it just goes to show that anyone can end up a good mini painter, if they keep trying long enough.

I wish I could show you the Geocities website I created to show off my painting, but that has become lost to time. Unless someone has a DeLorean I could borrow?

New photo setup

I finally have a more-or-less permanent photo setup in my apartment, which should make it a bit easier to post photos for the blog. I broke it in by taking some new photos of miniatures I painted a while ago, but never had any decent photos of. Hope you like them!

Akarui – Studio McVey





Ar-Fienel – Studio McVey





Kifaro – Studio McVey






Queek – Games Workshop





Ur-Fildyr – Studio McVey





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