Never be afraid to paint outside the lines

Category: Classes

2024 Classes

This year I’m planning to teach classes at KublaCon and Reapercon. I’m teaching Two-Brush Blending at Kubla, and you can sign up here. At Reapercon, I’m teaching two sections of my popular OSL class, as well as Advanced Shading and Highlighting, and a class on tricky colors covering black and white.

Class descriptions (with presentation slides!) are below the fold.

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2023 classes

This year I’m planning to teach classes at KublaCon and Reapercon. I’m teaching Advanced Shading and Highlighting at Kubla: you can sign up here. Reapercon classes are not fully decided yet. I will likely be teaching my Advanced Shading and Highlighting again, as well as my OSL class. I’m also thinking about teaching a third class, and haven’t settled on a topic for it yet. If there’s something you’d like me to cover, please leave suggestions in the comments!

Class descriptions below the fold

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2018 Reapercon Classes

I usually post the classes I am teaching on my blog in the spring, but this year I have been slow to get organized, and as a result, most of my classes have already passed or sold out by the time I posted this. Sorry about that! I promise to do better next year.

I will be teaching 4 classes at Reapercon this year, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks. You can see all my classes here.

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2017 Classes

This year I am again teaching classes at KublaCon and Gen Con, and I’m also adding a new convention: Reapercon! I went to Reapercon for the first time last year and had a blast, so this year I’m excited to be teaching classes there.

I will be teaching Two-Brush Blending for the fourth year running, and this will be my second year teaching a class on painting the “tricky colors”: white, black, and red. I’ve had a lot of good feedback on both of those classes, so I’m looking forward to teaching them again. Those classes will be held at all three cons. Also, I’m happy to offer a class on lighting effects at Reapercon. I’ve learned a lot since I first wrote my OSL tutorial, and I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned. I also plan to write an updated tutorial when I have a chance.
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Convention classes

I will be attending KublaCon in a couple of weeks, and Gen Con this summer. I will be teaching a couple of classes at both conventions.

  • Two-Brush Blending [KublaCon] [Gen Con]
    This is a great technique, because it is a very fast and fun way of blending once you get used to it. Because it’s so fast, it’s very useful for army painting, but you can also use it for display quality painting if that’s your thing.  In this class, I will demonstrate this technique, and then provide tips and guidance as students try it out. By the end of the class, you should be able to start using this technique on your own miniatures, or have improved if you’ve used the technique before. I taught this class last year at Gen Con and it was a big success!
  • True Metallic Metals [KublaCon] [Gen Con]
    In my experience, people learning to paint with metallics go through three phases. In the first, they do little shading (maybe some washes or drybrushing), and expect the metallic quality of the paint to do most of the work. In the second, they realize that metals need to be highlighted and shaded just as any other surface. In the third, they realize that metals need to be highlighted and shaded differently from other surfaces, in order to properly convey the look of metal. In the first part of this class, I will demonstrate how to paint metals the third way, using a combination of metallic and non-metallic paints. In the second part, students will try the techniques out while I provide tips and guidance.

I’m a big fan of hands-on classes, so both classes will be hands on.

I would like to give a big thank you to Privateer Press, who are sponsoring my Gen Con classes with miniatures and paints. Thanks also to the convention organizers!

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