Never be afraid to paint outside the lines

Category: Autobiographical

About myself

Well, that happened

So, I haven’t updated this blog since March 2020. Seems like a lot has happened since then… I thought with working from home and isolating, I would have nothing better to do than paint miniatures and update the blog. Instead, the opposite happened. I moved in with my then-girlfriend at the start of the pandemic, which sounds like a terrible idea, but actually went swimmingly, and now we’re married.

I’d say I’m going to update the blog more (and mean it this time), but the sad thing is I probably won’t. Looking back, I was great about updating the blog when I had a 1+ hour commute where I could work on it, and not so great once I moved close to work and didn’t have that commute time any more. Still, a 3 year gap is kind of egregious, so I’ll try to keep the update schedule to at least a few a year. Starting with part 2 of the mermaid article, which I’ve finally finished and will post right away! After that, I have an nmm tutorial in progress which I need to finish at some point, and two years worth of Golden Demon entries to talk about. So stay tuned!

If you want quick hits between blog posts, follow me on insta.

Introducing “Light Miniatures”

You may have noticed that “” is now “” Why? Frankly, I got tired of telling people how to spell “althai.” Hopefully the new name will be easier to remember. Why “Light Miniatures”? Playing with light has been a consistent theme in my miniature painting for the last several years, starting with Ruby in 2011 where I set the scene in the late afternoon “Golden Hour,” and especially noticeable in recent works such as Steampunk Leia, Black Arts, and Abalám.

The old domain should continue to work and redirect to the new domain for the next year, until the new domain is firmly established. And I plan to post several times in the next couple of weeks to give people a chance to get used to coming to the new location. There might be a few broken links or images in the next few minutes before the DNS updates with the new settings. If that happens, try clicking on the “Light Miniatures” banner at the top of the page to go to the new domain. After that, please let me know if you see any errors, such as broken links or images, as a result of this transition. I tried to fix everything ahead of time, but there are usually a few things which get lost in translation. 😊

A step backwards in time

In honor of “Back to the Future” day, I’m doing some time-traveling of my own.

I started painting miniatures in high school. I acquired an eldar army from a friend-of-a-friend, and painted my first minis with Testor’s enamels. Sadly, these have been lost to time, but I still have the first minis I painted with acrylics.


They came from the Citadel paints box set, and I painted them to try out my new paints. Needless to say, I quickly fell in love. I may not have had much talent, but I certainly had ambition, going for a legion of the damned color scheme that involved blending yellow into red over a black base-coat. Unsurprisingly, that did not end well.

Anyways, it just goes to show that anyone can end up a good mini painter, if they keep trying long enough.

I wish I could show you the Geocities website I created to show off my painting, but that has become lost to time. Unless someone has a DeLorean I could borrow?

Welcome to Althai Paints!

I’m a miniature painter best known by my online moniker “Althai”. I thought about saying a bit about myself, but I decided I’d rather let my work speak for itself.

Ruby – Studio McVey; Photo Courtesy Crystal Brush

Ruby – Studio McVey

"Riot Grrrl" Lisbeth – Studio McVey

“Riot Grrrl” Lisbeth – Studio McVey

Troll Axer – Privateer Press

Troll Axer – Privateer Press

Commander-Adept Nemo; Photos Courtesy Privateer Press

Commander-Adept Nemo – Privateer Press

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