I usually post the classes I am teaching on my blog in the spring, but this year I have been slow to get organized, and as a result, most of my classes have already passed or sold out by the time I posted this. Sorry about that! I promise to do better next year.

I will be teaching 4 classes at Reapercon this year, which is coming up in just a couple of weeks. You can see all my classes here.

They are:

  • Reaper U: Object-source lighting (OSL)
    Friday August 31, 2018 10:00 am to 11:45 am
    • Lighting effects can produce amazing results when done well- but are extremely tricky to get right. In this class, I’ll provide my tips for creating strong lighting effects, including: Placement of light sources for best effect. How to make it look like a colored light source is producing illumination (it’s not as simple as just glazing!) How different colors of light interact with different colors of material. Hands-on class.
    • Mini: 89002 Pathfinder Goblin Pyros
  • Reaper U: Blending techniques
    Friday August 31, 2018 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm
    • In this hands on class, we will learn and practice a variety of blending techniques, including
      1. Two-brush blending
      2. Wet-in-wet blending
      3. Glazing
      4. Using texture (stippling, hatching) to create blends
    • Mini: 89014 Seltyiel, Iconic Magus
  • Reaper U: True metallic metals
    Saturday September 1, 2018 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm
    • In my experience, people learning to paint with metallics go through three phases. In the first, they do little shading (maybe some washes or drybrushing), and expect the metallic quality of the paint to do most of the work. In the second, they realize that metals need to be highlighted and shaded just as any other surface. In the third, they realize that metals need to be highlighted and shaded differently from other surfaces, in order to properly convey the look of metal. In the first part of this class, I will demonstrate how to paint metals the third way, using a combination of metallic and non-metallic paints. In the second part, students will try the techniques out while I provide tips and guidance.
    • Mini: 89038 Oloch, Iconic Warpriest
  • Reaper U: Non-metallic metals
    Sunday September 2, 2018 1:00 pm to 2:45 pm
    • Simulating metallic surfaces without the use of metallic paint is one of the trickier tasks in miniature painting, but can produce stunning results when pulled off well. In this hands-on class, I will show you how to simulate the appearance of a shiny metal surface with flat, non-metallic paints.
    • Mini: 89024 Holy Vindicator

Update 2018-08-27: A week ago only the true metallics class was available, and now that’s sold out but there are open spots in OSL and NMM. I think people are shifting their schedules around a bit with Reapercon just around the corner, so you might be able to grab a spot if you keep checking. Or, if you are interested in one of the sold out ones, there may still be some chance of getting a spot. Try asking the Reapercon staff at the convention if any spots have become available. If that doesn’t work, you have my apologies, but you’re welcome to come visit me at the convention for some tips on any subject you like!

And again, next year I promise to be better about posting about classes further ahead of time to give my readers a better chance of getting classes they want.

Finally, if you have any suggestions for subjects for new classes or tutorials on the blog, please let me know in the comments.