This figure by Studio McVey is so much fun to paint, I’ve painted it twice.

Some of the pictures came out better than others. I really need to improve my photography skills. But I think you can get the idea.

I had so much fun with the graffiti. I discussed what it all means in my WIP blog post about the base, in case you missed that one. Some of it is quite obvious, but other bits are more niche references.

Painting the hoverboard was also a lot of fun. One of the things that makes Lisbeth such a neat mini to paint is all of the different surfaces that just cry out for freehand. The characters at the top read “freedom” (not that I can read Chinese).

The other thing I had fun with is different textures – weathered concrete, scuffed plastic helmet, aged sign, scratches on the edges of the board. More and more I’m trying to convey textures when I paint minis. Sometimes it comes out great, but others not so well. But that’s always how it goes!
This was one of the pieces I entered in the Gen Con mini painting competition, which is why I waited so long to post it. It placed third for technical merit in the “Rainbow Brush” contest that Marike organized in response to Indiana’s terrible anti-gay “religious freedom” bill, and won a judge’s award and a bronze in the single figure category.
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